Interest Rate Swap: Definition, Types, and Real-World Example

James Chen, CMT is an expert trader, investment adviser, and global market strategist.

Updated July 10, 2024 Reviewed by Reviewed by Gordon Scott

Gordon Scott has been an active investor and technical analyst or 20+ years. He is a Chartered Market Technician (CMT).

Fact checked by Fact checked by Vikki Velasquez

Vikki Velasquez is a researcher and writer who has managed, coordinated, and directed various community and nonprofit organizations. She has conducted in-depth research on social and economic issues and has also revised and edited educational materials for the Greater Richmond area.

What Is an Interest Rate Swap?

An interest rate swap is a forward contract in which one stream of future interest payments is exchanged for another based on a specified principal amount.

Interest rate swaps usually involve the exchange of a fixed interest rate payment for a floating rate payment, or vice versa, to reduce or increase exposure to fluctuations in interest rates, or to obtain a marginally lower interest rate than would have been possible without the swap.

A swap can also involve the exchange of one type of floating rate for another, which is called a basis swap.

Key Takeaways

Interest Rate Swap

Understanding Interest Rate Swaps

Interest rate swaps are the exchange of one set of cash flows for another. Because they trade over the counter (OTC), the contracts are between two or more parties, are structured according to their desired specifications, and can be customized in many different ways.

Swaps are often utilized if a company can borrow money easily at one type of interest rate but prefers a different type.

Types of Interest Rate Swaps

There are three different types of interest rate swaps: fixed-to-floating, floating-to-fixed, and float-to-float.


Consider a company named TSI that can issue a bond at a very attractive fixed interest rate to investors. The company’s management feels that it can get a better cash flow from a floating rate. In this case, TSI can enter into a swap with a counterparty bank in which the company receives a fixed rate and pays a floating rate.

The swap is structured to match the maturity and cash flow of the fixed-rate bond, and the two payment streams are netted. TSI and the bank choose the preferred floating-rate index, which is usually the Secured Overnight Financing Rate (SOFR). TSI then receives the SOFR plus or minus a spread that reflects both interest rate conditions in the market and its credit rating.

The ICE Benchmark Administration ® Limited, the authority responsible for LIBOR, stopped publishing rates as of June 30, 2023. However, it still publishes what it calls synthetic 1-month, 3-month, and 6-month USD LIBOR rates under order by the UK Financial Conduct Authority. This will end on Sept. 30, 2024.


A company that does not have access to a fixed-rate loan may borrow at a floating rate and enter into a swap to acquire a fixed rate. The floating-rate tenor, reset, and payment dates on the loan are mirrored on the swap and netted. The fixed-rate leg of the swap becomes the company’s borrowing rate.


Companies sometimes enter into a swap to change the type or tenor of the floating rate index that they pay; this is known as a basis swap. A company can swap from the three-month SOFR to six-month SOFR, for example, because the rate either is more attractive or matches other payment flows. A company can also switch to a different index, such as the federal funds rate, commercial paper, or the Treasury bill rate.

Real-World Example of an Interest Rate Swap

Suppose that PepsiCo needs to raise $75 million to acquire a competitor. In the United States, they may be able to borrow the money with a 3.5% interest rate, but outside of the U.S., they may be able to borrow at just 3.2%. The catch is that they would need to issue the bond in a foreign currency, which is subject to fluctuation based on the home country’s interest rates.

PepsiCo could enter into an interest rate swap for the duration of the bond. Under the terms of the agreement, PepsiCo would pay the counterparty a 3.2% interest rate over the life of the bond. The company would then swap $75 million at the agreed-upon exchange rate when the bond matures and avoid any exposure to exchange-rate fluctuations.

Why Is It Called Interest Rate Swap?

The name is derived from two parties exchanging (swapping) future interest payments based on a specified principal amount. Interest rate swaps are traded in over-the-counter (OTC) markets and are designed to suit the needs of each party. The most common swap is a fixed exchange rate for a floating rate. This is also known as a vanilla swap.

Why Do Companies Engage in Interest Rate Swaps?

The primary reasons why financial institutions use interest rate swaps are to hedge against losses, manage credit risk, or speculate.

What's an Example of an Interest Rate Swap?

Say that Company A issued $10 million in two-year bonds that have a variable interest rate of SOFR plus 1%. SOFR is 2% but the company is worried that interest rates may rise. It locates Company B, which agrees to pay Company A the SOFR annual rate plus 1% for two years on the notional principal amount of $10 million. In exchange, Company A pays Company B a fixed rate of 4% on a notional value of $10 million for two years. If interest rates rise significantly, Company A will benefit. Conversely, Company B will stand to benefit if interest rates stay flat or fall.

The Bottom Line

An interest rate swap is an agreement between different parties to exchange one stream of interest payments for another over a specified time period. They are derivative contracts that trade over the counter (OTC) and can be customized by the participating parties to match their financial needs.

Usually, interest rate swaps exchange fixed-rate payments for floating-rate payments, or the other way around. They are used to manage exposure to fluctuating interest rates or to get a lower borrowing rate.