Graphic Design Contract Template

We’ve worked with lawyers and proofreaders to create a simple graphic design contract (PDF and Word), so you can stop sweating the fine details with new clients, and spend more time delivering your best work.

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Graphic Design Contract - Everything You Need to Know (Includes Free Template)

We’ve worked with lawyers and proofreaders to create a simple graphic design contract (PDF and Word), so you can stop sweating the fine details with new clients, and spend more time delivering your best work.

What’s in this template? Download our free graphic design contract

What is a graphic design contract?

Graphic design is the process of visual communication through artwork, photography, typography, and other creative approaches. Professional graphic designers offer their services to businesses in exchange for a fee.

Graphic designers can work collaboratively in larger teams delivering big client projects. They can also work individually as freelancers.

A graphic design contract is a formal agreement between designer and client to set conditions for which the services are performed.

Whether design work is a team effort, or a smaller scale, the structure of the graphic design and a freelance graphic design contract is the same.

DISCLAIMER: We are not lawyers or a law firm and we do not provide legal, business or tax advice. We recommend you consult a lawyer or other appropriate professional before using any templates or agreements from this website.

Grab a copy of our free Graphic Design Contract today

We’ve created our template to save you time, money, and headache when it comes to contract compliance.

It’s completely free, and it’s 100% editable to your needs. Download our graphic design agreement

Why it’s critical to have a graphic design contract template

Having a graphic design agreement ready to go for future clients can literally change your business. It sounds like hyperbole, but here are five compelling reasons to use a graphic design contract.

1. Increase your chances of getting paid

The most obvious benefit of a contract is communicating your fee and payment terms. While your agreement is not an invoice, it sets the tone for a business relationship.

2. Manage expectations

A designer’s worst nightmare is dealing with a client who pushes to go beyond the scope of the project.

There’s always at least one horror story where the client wants revision after revision after revision, to the point where you start to resent them.

A contract sets clear expectations for the project, which forces you to take the time up front to ask questions and understand the goals. It also acts as a reference point for when the client starts to push the boundaries of your agreement, keeping everyone honest and happy.

3. Builds credibility

Whipping out a contract on a prospective client shows that you mean business. What started as a dreamy conversation about the endless possibilities gets brought down to reality. This is not a bad thing!

Clients will respect you more when you put pen to paper and layout your terms. It shows that you know what you’re there to execute on their goals.

4. Everyone is accountable

A graphic design contract is the ultimate accountability tool—especially when you’re just forming a new relationship with a client. You’re at the stage where you don’t fully trust each other.

So having a contract will push you to meet deadlines and deliver quality work. On the client-side, they also have to be responsive with feedback and providing assets for you to work with.

Sometimes you need fine print to get the wheels in motion towards a successful project.

5. It’s motivating!

Getting a freelance design contract signed is the moment a prospect becomes a legitimate client. As a paid professional, it’s motivating to stack more contracts, as it means you’re getting more work.

Also, having a few signed contracts gives you some financial certainty as you can start to plan project dates, and when you can expect payments.

Grab a copy of our free Graphic Design Agreements

We’ve created our template to save you time, money, and headache when it comes to contract compliance.

It’s completely free, and it’s 100% editable to your needs. Download our graphic design agreement

When to introduce a graphic design contract

The graphic design industry is worth almost 15 billion in the United States alone. It’s a massive market that continues to grow every year.

We live in a design world, as startups, non-profits, and corporations alike are seeking the best talent in the world to design products, personal branding, websites, books, brochures, album art, and many other materials.

However, with so much money in this industry comes fierce competition. Not just by your peers in the agency or freelance world. But you also have to compete with online marketplaces like 99Designs, Fiverr, and Upwork who offer quality work at an affordable rate.

Your graphic design agreement is a tool to help get in on some of the action. But you need to present it at the right time.

After a prospective client has shown interest in your portfolio, they’re going to ask you the magic question; “what’s your price?”

Before providing an estimate, we recommend you ask specific questions about the scope of the project, and prepare a winning design proposal that highlights all the ways that you can help the client reach their goals.

As part of your proposal, include a copy of your graphic design template with your terms and conditions.

As the client considers your pitch, you can follow up and ask if they have any specific questions about your contract. It’s at this point your agreement may bring up any questions or concerns your prospect has about working with you. It’s a fantastic opportunity to get on the same page and negotiate a deal that works for all parties.